MPI Exhibiting Awards

MPI awards are available to be presented to any exhibit of eligible material based on philatelic merit. Membership in the MPI is NOT required. Exhibits may be either multi-frame or single-frame. Exhibits of stamps, postal stationary, postal history, postal cards, meters, slogans, etc. of malaria topics are eligible for the MPI awards. This includes Postal, Traditional, Thematic, Display; exhibits of any class.

At any national, regional or local show in the United States and Canada, one set of the "Artistic Metal Mosquitoes" and MPI ribbons (1 each First, Second, Third and the three sized metal mosquitoes) will be provided to shows. There needs to be at least two qualifying exhibits at the show.

Ribbons are to be posted at the frames with other ribbons at the show.

The Mosquitoes and ribbons may be requested from the MPI President, Larry Fillion, via e-mail at

First Place Ribbon 2nd Place Ribbon Third Place Ribbon Metal Mosquito
"Artistic Metal Mosquitoes" by michiganmetal. There are three different sizes for first, second, and third place. To see other items that this eBay seller sells, you can see the michiganmetal page on eBay. The sizes of the mosquitoes are 7 inches, 5 inches, and 3 inches. MPI Awards