President's Message - Issue 23

(Published: September, 2007, Volume 7, Number 2, Issue #23) (Table Of Contents)
(Author: Larry Fillion)

Welcome Back: This is the second Miasma of the 21st century and I hope that you enjoy the articles. Please consider writing an article about some part of your malaria collection, or how you got started collecting malaria or about a doctor in the malaria field that can have supporting stamps with it, or new varieties that you have found, etc. All I need is the text and some images and I can put together the web page. A text file, MS Word file, and many other formats will work.

American Topical Association (ATA) Update: It is official, The Malaria Philatelists International (MPI) is an ATA Study Unit.

Membership Update: Currently, there are 23 members (8 new members since the last Miasma was published) from 6 countries:
Current Membership: 23 members
United States17

Exhibits Update: There are two new exhibits on the site. One exhibit is a Thematic Exhibit "Le Paludisme" and is from member Francoise Reviglio. The 2nd Exhibit is a Stamp Exhibit which was sold as individual pages on the Internet. Please see the article: Full Malaria Exhibit Sold On Delcampe.

Auction Update: For the next issue scheduled for sometime in December or in January, I would like to have a small auction with malaria items such as FDCs, commercial covers, proofs, etc. I would like to get 20-40 auction items to sell (or more if people have that many items). Auction items can also be groups of covers and not just individual covers. The items for the sale will have to be sent to me and I will scan the items, email payment notices to the winners, collect the money, mail the items and mail the payments. 10% of the final sale prices of the items will go to the MPI in order to cover the cost of the website and any future MPI projects that might arise when the group becomes larger and starts becoming more active. If you would like to sell some malaria items such as covers, proofs, FDCs, etc, please contact me at and we'll get your items in the sale. Payment for the items will be able to be sent by check or paid through PayPal. If paid by PayPal, a small fee may have to be charged as PayPal charges for the seller and the 10% for the club my be 0. Details will be ironed out before the next issue.

FDCs with blocks of 4 Update: I have found another 25+ FDCs with blocks of 4 on them. Most of my new ones are from the U.S. and the U.N. but there are a few new countries to add to to the list. For the next issue, I will scan the rest of my covers and write an updated list inclusive of the items from the first version of Checklist - 'The World United Against Malaria' FDCs with Blocks of 4 . If you have FDCs that are not on the list, please send me an email at
Below is a cover with 4 blocks of 4 on the cover from The Vatican which I purchased this summer of 2007.

Scott 326-329 (Blocks of 4) (FDC w/ Globe showing Africa/Asia (The Golden Series))
Image Of Stamp