Malaria Symbol With English
The 1962 United Nations "World United Against Malaria" Stamp Campaign
Stamp Club
For Sale
Malaria Symbol With French
Select Country/Issue

United States - Scott 1194 - Commercial Usages

Commercial Usages
December 21, 1963, holiday card sent unsealed at the 4¢ third-class, single-piece rate.
April 4, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate.
April 10, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate.
May 16, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate.
May 29, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate.
June 15, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate.
July 24, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate.
May 21, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate.
August 4, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate.
September 12, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate.
November 28, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate.
December 19, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate.
April 7, 1962, 2 oz. first class, surface letter rate. 4¢ paid for first oz., 4¢ paid for second oz.
September 12, 1962, 5¢, printed matter surface rate to England, short paid 1¢. Therefore
double the deficiency, or 2¢ due. Since 3 centimes = 1¢ at that time, 6 centimes due (or 1d).
June 14, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate. Advertising Cover
April 18, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate. Advertising Cover
October 17, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate. Advertising Cover
March 14, 1970 (late usage), 5¢ paid surface post card rate.
May 14, 1962, 34¢ paid, 30¢ paid special delivery fee, 4¢ paid <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate
June 27, 1962, 38¢ paid, 30¢ paid special delivery fee, 4¢ paid for first oz first class, surface letter rate., 4¢ paid for second oz.
April 17, 1962, 11¢ paid first oz. surface letter rate to Israel.
March 23, 1963, 15¢ paid airmail rate to Germany.
April 5, 1962, <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate. Advertising Cover
November 7, 1985 (late usage) , <= 1 oz. first class, surface letter rate. Return to Sender

Black Line

Contact Larry Fillion if you have questions or problems with the web site or if you have questions about my collection or if you have malaria material you want to sell.

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