Please send an email to
Larry Fillion and specify what you are
interested in that you see on this page. Not all of the items may still be in stock.
All items are MNH unless documented in the description. Shipping and Handling is $1.50
within the United States. Payment by Paypal, money
order, personal check, or cash in a registered letter.
This section is still in
development phase so please be patient if the data is incorrect.
Price | |||||||||||
Afghanistan Scott 518-519 Perf | $1.60 | Scott 518, Scott 519 | |||||||||
Afghanistan Scott 518-519 Souvenir Sheet | $4.00 | Scott 518-519 Souvenir Sheet | |||||||||
Afghanistan Scott 583-593 Perf | $3.25 | Scott 583, Scott 584, Scott 585, Scott 586, Scott 587, Scott 588, Scott 589, Scott 590, Scott 591, Scott 592, Scott 593 | |||||||||
Afghanistan Scott B29-B30 Perf | $3.05 | Scott B29, Scott B30 | |||||||||
Albania Scott 609-612 Perf | $4.00 | Scott 609, Scott 610, Scott 611, Scott 612 | |||||||||
Albania Scott 609-612 SS Perf | $20.00 | Scott 609-612 Souvenir Sheet | |||||||||
Albania Scott 609-612 SS Imperf | $20.00 | Scott 609-612 Imperf Souvenir Sheet | |||||||||
Argentina Scott 737 Perf | $0.15 | Scott 737 | |||||||||
Bolivia Scott 467 Perf | $0.25 | Scott 467 | |||||||||
Bolivia Scott C245 Perf | $0.80 | Scott C245 | |||||||||
Brazil Scott C106 | $0.30 | Scott C106 | |||||||||
Bulgaria Scott 1218-1219 Perf | $0.60 | Scott 1218, Scott 1219 | |||||||||
Burundi Scott 40-41 Perf | $2.40 | Scott 40, Scott 41 | |||||||||
Cambodia Scott 106-108 Perf | $0.81 | Scott 106, Scott 107, Scott 108 | |||||||||
Canal Zone Scott C33 | $0.40 | Scott C33 | |||||||||
Ceylon Scott 364 | $0.15 | Scott 364 | |||||||||
China R.O. Scott 1342-1343 Perf | $2.05 | Scott 1342, Scott 1343 | |||||||||
Colombia Scott 740-741, C426-C428 Perf | $4.45 | Scott 740, Scott 741, Scott C426, Scott C427, Scott C428 | |||||||||
Congo D.R. Scott 414-416 Perf | $0.48 | Scott 414, Scott 415, Scott 416 | |||||||||
Cyprus Scott 204-205 Perf | $1.10 | Scott 204, Scott 205 | |||||||||
Czechoslovakia Scott 1121-1122 Perf | $1.41 | Scott 1121, Scott 1122 | |||||||||
Dominican Republic Scott 558-560, C120-C121, B39-B40, CB24-CB25 Perf | $2.55 | Scott 558-560, Scott C120-C121, Scott B39-B40, Scott CB24-CB25 | |||||||||
Dominican Republic Scott CB25A Souvenir Sheet Perf | - | Scott CB25A Perf Souvenir Sheet | |||||||||
Dominican Republic Scott CB25A Souvenir Sheet Imperf | - | Scott CB25A Imperf Souvenir Sheet | |||||||||
Dubai Scott 22-27, C13-C15 Perf | $2.85 | Scott 22, Scott 23, Scott 24, Scott 25, Scott 26, Scott 27, Scott C13, Scott C14, Scott C15 | |||||||||
Ecuador Scott C401-C403 Perf | $0.36 | Scott C401, Scott C402, Scott C403 | |||||||||
Egypt Scott 551-552 Perf | $0.25 | Scott 551, Scott 552 | |||||||||
Egypt/Palestine Scott N87-N88 Perf | $4.00 | Scott N87, Scott N88 | |||||||||
Ethiopia Scott 383-385 Perf | $1.60 | Scott 383, Scott 384, Scott 385 | |||||||||
Cameroon Scott B36 Perf | $0.50 | Scott B36 | |||||||||
Central Africa Scott B1 Perf | $0.45 | Scott B1 | |||||||||
Chad Scott B1 Perf | $0.42 | Scott B1 | |||||||||
Comoro Scott B1 Perf | $1.10 | Scott B1 | |||||||||
Congo P.R. Scott B3 Perf | $0.42 | Scott B3 | |||||||||
Dahomey Scott B15 Perf | $0.42 | Scott B15 | |||||||||
Gabon Scott B14 Perf | $0.70 | Scott B14 | |||||||||
Ivory Coast Scott B15 Perf | $0.65 | Scott B15 | |||||||||
Madagascar Scott B19 Perf | $0.50 | Scott B19 | |||||||||
Mali Scott B1 Perf | $0.60 | Scott B1 | |||||||||
Mauritania Scott B16 Perf | $0.40 | Scott B16 | |||||||||
Niger Scott B14 Perf | $0.38 | Scott B14 | |||||||||
Senegal Scott B16 Perf | $0.40 | Scott B1 | |||||||||
Somali Coast Scott B15 Perf | $3.25 | Scott B15 | |||||||||
Upper Volta Scott B1 Perf | $0.50 | Scott B1 | |||||||||
French Colonies Omnibus Set of 15 | $10.24 | Scott B36, Scott B1, Scott B1, Scott B1, Scott B3, Scott B15, Scott B14, Scott B15, Scott B19, Scott B1, Scott B16, Scott B14, Scott B1, Scott B15, Scott B1 | |||||||||
France Scott 1032 Perf | $0.32 | 1032 | |||||||||
Ghana Scott 128-131 Perf, 131A Souvenir Sheet | $0.90 | Scott 128, Scott 129, Scott 130, Scott 131, Scott 131A Souvenir Sheet | |||||||||
Guatemala Scott C258 Perf | $0.80 | Scott C258 | |||||||||
Guinea Scott B25-B29 Orange Issued Overprints | $3.28 | Scott B25-B29 Orange Issued Overprints | |||||||||
Guinea Scott B25-B29 Red Issued Overprints | $3.28 | Scott B25-B29 Red Issued Overprints | |||||||||
Guinea Scott C29-C31Perf | $1.33 | Scott C29-C31 | |||||||||
Haiti Scott 486-488, C188-C190 Perf | $1.09 | Scott 486, Scott 487, Scott 488, Scott C188, Scott C189, Scott C190 | |||||||||
Haiti Scott C190A (with 'Contribution') | $1.40 | Scott C190A | |||||||||
Haiti Scott C190A (without 'Contribution') | $1.40 | Scott C190A (Missing the 'Contribution d'Haiti a l'OMS' ) | |||||||||
Hungary Scott 1461 Perf | $0.50 | Scott 1461 | |||||||||
Hungary Scott 1461 Perf Souvenir Sheet | - | Scott 1461(SS) | |||||||||
Hungary Scott 1461 Imperf Souvenir Sheet | - | Scott 1461(Imperf)(SS) | |||||||||
India Scott 261 Perf | $0.18 | Scott 261 | |||||||||
India Scott 356 Perf | $0.50 | Scott 356 | |||||||||
Indonesia Scott 574-577 | $0.38 | Scott 574, Scott 575, Scott 576, Scott 577 | |||||||||
Iran Scott 1156-1158 Perf | $6.70 | Scott 1156, Scott 1157, Scott 1158 | |||||||||
Iran Scott 1204-1206 Perf | $3.09 | Scott 1204, Scott 1205, Scott 1206 | |||||||||
Iraq Scott 314-316 Perf | $0.73 | Scott 314, Scott 315, Scott 316 | |||||||||
Israel Scott 218 Perf with Tab | $0.48 | Scott 218 (w/ Tab) | |||||||||
Italy Scott 863-864 Perf | $0.39 | Scott 863, Scott 864 | |||||||||
Jordan Scott 379-380 Perf | $1.50 | Scott 379, Scott 380 | |||||||||
Jordan Scott 380A Souvenir Sheet - Perf | $2.00 | Scott 380A | |||||||||
Jordan Scott 380A Souvenir Sheet - Imperf | $2.00 | Scott 380A (Imperf) | |||||||||
Korea Scott 350A Souvenir Sheet | $1.50 | Scott 350A | |||||||||
Kuwait Scott 183-184 Perf | $0.65 | Scott 183, Scott 184 | |||||||||
Laos Scott 74-76 Perf | $0.52 | Scott 74-76 | |||||||||
Lebanon Scott C349-C350 Perf | $1.25 | Scott C349-C350 | |||||||||
Liberia Scott 402 Perf | $0.32 | Scott 402 | |||||||||
Liberia Scott C139 Perf | $0.35 | Scott C139 | |||||||||
Liberia Scott C140 Souvenir Sheet | $0.85 | Scott C140 | |||||||||
Liberia Unissued Souvenir Sheet | - | Unissued SS with 402 & C139 | |||||||||
Libya Scott 218-219 Perf | $4.00 | Scott 218, Scott 219 | |||||||||
Libya Scott 218A & 219A Souvenir Sheet Imperf | $6.00 | Scott 218A, Scott 219A | |||||||||
Lundy Newman Catalog 140-145 Perf | - | Newman 140, Newman 141, Newman 142, Newman 143, Newman 144, Newman 145 | |||||||||
Malaya Scott 102-104 Perf | $4.00 | Scott 102, Scott 103, Scott 104 | |||||||||
Maldive Islands Scott 87-94 Perf | $1.15 | Scott 87, Scott 88, Scott 89, Scott 90, Scott 91, Scott 92, Scott 93, Scott 94 | |||||||||
Mauritania Scott C14-C15 1st Overprint | - | Scott C14 Overprint #1, Scott C15 Overprint #1 | |||||||||
Mauritania Scott C14-C15 2nd Overprint | - | Scott C14 Overprint #2, Scott C15 Overprint #2 | |||||||||
Monaco Scott 504 Perf | $0.60 | Scott 504 | |||||||||
Mongolia Scott 296-303 Perf | $2.47 | Scott 296, Scott 297, Scott 298, Scott 299, Scott 300, Scott 301, Scott 302, Scott 303 | |||||||||
Morocco Scott 66-67 Perf | $0.40 | Scott 66, Scott 67 | |||||||||
Nepal Scott 135-136 Perf | $0.42 | Scott 135, Scott 136 | |||||||||
Nicaragua Scott C504-C508 Perf | $2.25 | Scott C504, Scott C505, Scott C506, Scott C507, Scott C508 | |||||||||
Nigeria Scott 128-131 Perf | $0.90 | Scott 128, Scott 129, Scott 130, Scott 131 | |||||||||
Pakistan Scott 160-161 Perf | $0.15 | Scott 160, Scott 161 | |||||||||
Panama Scott C271-C272 Perf | $2.50 | Scott C271, Scott C272 | |||||||||
Panama Scott CB1-CB3 Perf | $1.50 | Scott CB1, Scott CB2, Scott CB3 | |||||||||
Papua New Guinea Scott 164-166 Perf | $5.40 | Scott 164, Scott 165, Scott 166 | |||||||||
Paraguay Scott 674-683 Perf | $2.00 | Scott 674-678, Scott 679-683 | |||||||||
Paraguay Scott 683 Souvenir Sheet Perf | $4.95 | Scott 683A | |||||||||
Paraguay Scott 683 Souvenir Sheet Imperf | $9.95 | Scott 683A Imperf | |||||||||
Philippines Scott 868-870 Perf | $0.86 | Scott 868, Scott 869, Scott 870 | |||||||||
Poland Scott 1087-1089 Perf 1090 Souvenir Sheet Imperf | $1.50 | Scott 1087, Scott 1088, Scott 1089, Scott 1090 Souvenir Sheet | |||||||||
Port-Angola Scott 439 Perf | $0.60 | Scott 439 | |||||||||
Port-Cape Verde Scott 326 Perf | $0.60 | Scott 326 | |||||||||
Port-Guniea Scott 305 Perf | $0.60 | Scott 305 | |||||||||
Port-India Non Scott Item (Omnibus Image CD49) Perf | $0.55 | Non Scott Item | |||||||||
Port-Macao Scott 400 Perf | $4.00 | Scott 400 | |||||||||
Port-Mozambique Scott 430 Perf | $0.60 | Scott 430 | |||||||||
Port-St. Thomas Scott 380 Perf | $1.15 | Scott 380 | |||||||||
Port-Timor Scott 319 Perf | $1.15 | Scott 319 | |||||||||
Portuguese Colonies Omnibus Set of 8 Perf | $9.25 | Scott 439, Scott 326, Scott 305, Scott 596, Scott 400, Scott 430, Scott 380, Scott 319 | |||||||||
Russia Scott 2594-2595 Perf, 2595 Imperf | $1.90 | Scott 2594, Scott 2595, Scott 2595 Imperf | |||||||||
Ryukyu Islands Scott 95-96 Perf | $1.50 | Scott 95, Scott 96 | |||||||||
Sierra Leone Scott 225-226 Perf | $0.45 | Scott 225, Scott 226 | |||||||||
Somalia Scott 263-264 Perf | $1.08 | Scott 263, Scott 264 | |||||||||
Somalia Scott C85-C86 Perf | $0.88 | Scott C85, Scott C86 | |||||||||
South Kasai Scott Unlisted 1F + 5F, 1.50F + 5F, 3.5F + 5F Short Set of 3 | $3.00 | 1F + 5F, 1.50F + 5F, 3.50F + 5F | |||||||||
Spain Scott 1152 Perf | $0.32 | Scott 1152 | |||||||||
Sudan Scott 142-143 Perf | $0.45 | Scott 142, Scott 143 | |||||||||
Surinam Scott 304-305 Perf | $0.53 | Scott 304, Scott 305 | |||||||||
Swaziland Scott 103 Perf | $0.60 | Scott 103 | |||||||||
Switzerland Scott 415 Perf | $1.25 | Scott 415 | |||||||||
Switzerland Scott 5035 Perf | $0.28 | Scott 5035 | |||||||||
Syria Scott C267-C268 Perf | $0.45 | Scott C267, Scott C268 | |||||||||
Thailand Scott 373-380 Perf | $10.89 | Scott 373, Scott 374, Scott 375, Scott 376, Scott 377, Scott 378, Scott 379, Scott 380 | |||||||||
Togo Scott 428-431 Perf | $0.90 | Scott 428, Scott 429, Scott 430, Scott 431 | |||||||||
Tunisia Scott 404-406 Perf | $1.25 | Scott 404, Scott 405, Scott 406 | |||||||||
Turkey Scott B88-B89 Perf | $0.37 | Scott B88, Scott B89 | |||||||||
United Nations Scott 102-103 First Printing | $0.20 | Scott 102 , Scott 103 | |||||||||
United States Scott 1194 Perf | $0.10 | Scott 1194 | |||||||||
Vatican City Scott 326-329 Perf | $1.23 | Scott 326, Scott 327, Scott 328, Scott 329 | |||||||||
Venezuela Scott 825, C819 Perf | $0.55 | Scott C819, Scott 825 | |||||||||
Venezuela Scott C819A Souvenir Sheet | $3.00 | Scott C819A | |||||||||
VietnamSouth Scott 185-188 Perf | $2.00 | Scott 185 Perf, Scott 186 Perf, Scott 187 Perf, Scott 188 Perf | |||||||||
Yemen Scott 135-136 Perf | $0.75 | Scott 135, Scott 136 | |||||||||
Yugoslavia Scott 649 Perf | $0.30 | Scott 649 |
Contact Larry Fillion if you have questions or problems
with the web site or if you have questions about my collection or if you have malaria material you
want to sell.
Copyright Larry Fillion (www.malariastamps.com) - 2001-2012 - All Rights Reserved |