Malaria Symbol With English
The 1962 United Nations "World United Against Malaria" Stamp Campaign
Stamp Club
For Sale
Malaria Symbol With French
Select Country/Issue

Mexico - Scott RA14,RA16,RA19

RA14 issued 1939
"CORREOS MEXICO" watermark.
(Light Blue)
(Dark Blue)
(Imperf) (Dark Blue)
(Imperf) (Light Blue)

RA16 issued 1944
"S.H.C.P. MEXICO" watermark
(Dark Blue)
(Light Blue)

RA19 issued 1947
(Dark Blue)
(Light Blue)

Full Sheets
Scott RA14(Imperf)(Full Sheet of 100)

Scott RA16 double paper error. Two sheets had been "stuck" together
during the printing process and the bottom sheet only recieved
10% of the printing on one edge. There must be a top sheet that
has the right most row missing 10% of the pri
Scott RA16 double paper error. Two sheets had been "stuck" together
during the printing process and the bottom sheet only recieved
10% of the printing on one edge. This must be from the top sheet that
has the left most 30% of the stamp imag

There's a consistent "margin" dark spot above the "T" in "CENT".
This appears in imperf RA14A sheets in position 88.
There's a consistent dark spot to the right of the "X" in "MEXICO".
This appears in all RA14, RA16, and RA19 sheets.

Maximum Cards
Scott RA14 (Maximum Card #1 w/ First Day Cancel #1)
Scott RA14 (Maximum Card #1 w/ First Day Cancel #2)
Scott RA14 (Maximum Card #2 w/ First Day Cancel #2)
Scott RA14 (Maximum Card #3 w/ First Day Cancel #2)

Black Line

Contact Larry Fillion if you have questions or problems with the web site or if you have questions about my collection or if you have malaria material you want to sell.

Copyright Larry Fillion ( - 2001-2012 - All Rights Reserved