Malaria Symbol With English
The 1962 United Nations "World United Against Malaria" Stamp Campaign
Stamp Club
For Sale
Malaria Symbol With French
Select Country/Issue

Maldive Islands - Scott 87-94

Regular Issues
Scott 87
Scott 88
Scott 89
Scott 90
Scott 91
Scott 92
Scott 93
Scott 94

First Day Covers
Scott 87-90 (FDC w/ Symbol (Green/Blue))
Scott 91-94 (FDC w/ Symbol (Green/Blue))
Scott 87-90 (FDC w/ Symbol (Red/Green))
Scott 91-94 (FDC w/ Symbol (Red/Green))
Scott 87-90 (FDC w/ Symbol (Light Brown/Blue))
Scott 91-94 (FDC w/ Symbol (Light Brown/Blue))
Scott 87-90 (FDC w/ Symbol (Red/Blue))

Post card with a view of Miniret of Juma Mosque in Male.
These advertising postcards were used by Abbott Laboratories to
promote anesthesia sodium pentothal. They were mailed world wide from
exotic locations to grab the attention of docto
Scott 87 & 89 (On Abbot Advertisment (To United States) (Oct 13, 1962))
Scott 87 (Block of 4) (On Abbot Advertisment (To: United States) (Jan 1, 1963))
Scott 89 (On Abbot Advertisment (To: Canada) (Dec 3, 1962))
Scott 89 (On Abbot Advertisment (To: United States) (Dec 11, 1962))

Black Line

Contact Larry Fillion if you have questions or problems with the web site or if you have questions about my collection or if you have malaria material you want to sell.

Copyright Larry Fillion ( - 2001-2012 - All Rights Reserved